De Vakantiefietser
()De Vakantiefietser
Eric Schuit is one of those people that has turned his hobby into work, but in a good way 😉
He is an avid cyclist, has written several books and uses all his accumulated knowledge about bicycles in one of the most fun stores in the Netherlands: De Vakantiefietser.
All types and brands of bicycles can be bought as well as a range of books, maps, Ortlieb bags and other great gear you need for a perfect trip.
But the best Eric has to offer is his knowledge: as he still goes away to cycle in faraway places a few months every year, he definitely knows what he is talking about.
Thanks Eric for the advice and help you gave us!
From his website:
De Vakantiefietser
De specialist voor je fietsvakantie
uitrusting – fietsen – reizen
The Holiday biker
The specialist for your bicycle trekking holiday
equipment, trekkingbicycles, travelinformation
Cycling is fun!
An increasing amount of people choose a sportive holiday under one’s own power. With the wind blowing trough your hair, enjoying the beauty surrounding you, you feel free as a bird on your bicycle. De Vakantiefietser helps you along with enthusiastic stories, a well fitted bike, practical equipment, advice and expertise.
Bicycle trekking equipment
From waterproof panniers to cycle maps, from gasoline burner to
down sleeping bags, from unbreakable carrier racks to self-inflating
mattresses and from breathable rain jackets to puncture proof tires, we
have everything in the house.
What to think of a headlight, waterproof socks, compact tool, bicycle
trailer, synthetic towels, luggage net, water bag, first aid set,
universal bath stop or camera stand for on your handlebar.
Holiday bicycles
kind of bicycle is suitable for you not only depends on the duration of your trip and the destination, but also on your budget. It makes quite a difference whether you are going on a world trip, or go on bike holiday to France.
That is why we have bicycles in different qualities and price
categories: idworx, Koga Miyata, Koga Signature, Santos, Snel, Van Nicholas and VSF. Besides that we are the specialist in The Netherlands for a trekking bike with Rohloff speed hub.
Delivery for a new bike is from one to eight weeks.
Cycle guides, maps and travels
In our book cupboards are hundreds of bicycle guides. Apart from Dutch guides, we also have German and English guides and travel stories. Our maps are especially selected for cyclists. So you will not leave our shop with a walking or car map.
On our coffee table there are (next to the ‘negerzoenen’) brochures of a number of cycle travel companies. We do not sell travels, but we can help you finding the most suitable travel organisation for you.
About Eric Schuijt
Eric Schuijt cycled through more than eighty countries and wrote four books about these travels.
In his shop, De Vakantiefietser, you can find your trekking bike, as
well as your complete bike trekking equipment and travels. All the
employees at De Vakantiefieter cycled all over the world. Eric and
his staff can serve you with their expertise because of many years of
experience with bike trekking.
You don’t want back and neck pains or painful wrists? On our
measuring frame we find your ideal frame size and the most convenient
adjustment of your bicycle. If you’re busy during our opening
hours, we can also serve you at a time that suits you better.
Every customer who buys a bicycle receives the Friend-of-Eric-card.
This entitles you to a discount on your travel equipment. And if you
have problems with your bicycle while you are on holiday, we will send
you the necessary parts.
Almost every Tuesday-evening we organise an activity in the shop like:
- Bicycle maintenance for when you’re on the way;
- Basic course bicycle maintenance;
- Workshop ‘preparations for a bicycle holiday’;
- Workshop ‘preparations for a long bicycle trip’;
- Readings about bicycle trekking from enthusiastic bicycle travellers
On this website
you can find information on
- Advise about equipment, bicycles and bicycle clothing,
- Tips for buying a trekking bicycle,
- Packing list,
- Agenda of activities,
- Travel impressions,
- Books and maps via internet,
- Links to websites which are interesting for trekking cyclists.
Everything is written in Dutch, but with the help of Babelfish, you can at least understand what I have written.
De Vakantiefietser is located in the centre and is not far from the Central Station.
De Vakantiefietser
Westerstraat 216
1015 MS Amsterdam
Telephone 00-31-(0)20-616 4091
Opening hours
- Tuesday from 10:00 – 18:00 hrs
Wednesday from 10:00 – 18:00 hrs
Thursday from 10:00 – 21:00 hrs
Friday from 10:00 – 18:00 hrs
Saturday from 09:00 -17:00 hrs.
- Due to Eric’s continuing cycle trips, the shop has limited opening hours in the months of november en december.
Free parking for cyclists
If you visit us, you can park your (trekking) bicycle save inside!
Public transport from Amsterdam Central Station, tram 17, get off at stop Westerkerk, it’s a 400 m walk to our shop.
On cycling or walking-distance from Amsterdam Central Station.