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1000 Americans: Barry Notmeyer, Mendocino, BikeTraveller…

December 14, 2008 by ,  
Filed under 1000 Americans

1000 Americans: Barry Notmeyer, Mendocino


Barry used to be a national champion in weightlifting when he was young, but nowadays enjoys surfing and cycling a lot more.

He hosted us for a night and we had many laughs together. We set up a free blog for him on, check it out here:


Barry is 50 but looks much younger and is very fit. He is cycling from Mendocino, California to Florida, to raise funds for the CRCMC: the Cancer Resource Center of Mendocino County.

“I am a longtime coastal resident and supporter of the CRCMC. My own expenses will be paid by myself, 100% of the money I raise with this ride will be donated to them, so they can continue providing services free of charge to anyone facing cancer in Mendocino County.”

Go Barry and do not stop bringing joy to the world!

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2 Responses to “1000 Americans: Barry Notmeyer, Mendocino, BikeTraveller…”
  1. Barry just finish his ride from San Francisco to Florida. He had a great time and he’ll go back home soon and be ready for more and new adventures. Congratulations Barry and we hope we can cross paths soon ! You know where to find us !


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